16 thoughts on “Sophie Kaufman”

  1. I really enjoy your compositions my favorite has to be the second one. I can’t really tell if its in focus or not because the image is small, but it looks great.

  2. These photos have a kind of disturbing accent to them–more so with the first one, but you can definitely get the feeling of despair or need of help with these. I think the composition of the second one is very strong–i really like how the hand is emphasized but you can still see the helpless look on the subjects face.

  3. I like the photo of the guy underwater. I think it would be more interesting and be more emotional if it was more of a close-up on his face so we can really see the emotion in his face.

  4. I really love the second photo in this set. The vantage point is really interesting. I really like the position of the hand, with the fingers gently resting on the side. It is also really nice that the face is out of focus, but visible enough that we can still make out his expression.

  5. I really like the emotion that is captured in the first one, but I think it could be a stronger image if it was zoomed in, or maybe just cropped. The bottom photo perspective is very cool, and I like how you framed the face.

  6. I think these are really successful. they work well together. I love the way the tame tiles contrast the subject’s face in the first photograph. The vantage point of the second photograph is really interesting, and for whatever reason I think the dark hair of the subject’s arm adds a really interesting, strange texture to the photograph.

  7. I feel for the theme of these photos, the top is stronger. However, compositionally the second in more thought out.
    I feel like the top image could have been more squared off and closer to the face/hands of the subject and still achieve the same effect. As it stands, the concept is carrying the whole image.
    The second image is very well technically thought out. But its meaning in relevance to the theme, what I assume is drowning or suicide, is shaky. The subject seems contemplative of his actions and unsure of what to do. But if this image stood alone, I don’t know if it would achieve the notion of the subject of his contemplations.
    Overall this set is good, just a few things need tweaking.

  8. There is something really strange and unsettling about these photos. Why is he screaming underwater? Why is he in the bath in all his clothes? Why is it so empty? Why use that oddly yellow tone for these? Everything about them just seems so mid-nervous breakdown.

  9. This is a very interesting set of photos, I especially like the second photo because of the angle it is taken from, it makes your hand and arm visually interesting. Both photos also show a lot of emotion. However, I feel that the top photo would be a little more interesting if it was taken from closer up or a little more directly above.

  10. I like the short depth of field you use on the bottom photo to accentuate the hand. The size of the hand and the harsh angle of the arm create a grotesque tension.

  11. I get a sense of desperation/insanity when I see these photos, especially the first one. These photos want to tell a narrative, and it makes my mind jump to various conclusions about what the subject is trying to avoid. The tension you created on both pictures by framing the subject tightly adds to the overall effect.

  12. These are dramatic images. They make me anxious. In the top image, the subject seems to be struggling and in the bottom it is almost as if he has let go. I wonder if this was the goal.

  13. The way the second photo is zoomed in really emphasized the effect of the guy being under water. Both pictures work well together and create a sort of mysterious tone because nobody knows what is really behind the picture. They are simple but display an open ended interpretation of the photo. Well done.

  14. These photos are even more powerful because of the angles in which you captured them. I think they might have been far less effective if they had been more typical angles. I also like how you kept the yellow hue that is typically in these type of bathrooms.

  15. The angle for the first photo is creative and definitely creates a more powerful aspect to the photo. Along with showing the motion of the bubbles from your mouth makes it seem as if you are screaming or talking. I can’t seem to grasp the thought of the photos, but the first one has caught my attention. My suggestion for the first one would be to try to focus solely on the bath and don’t show the bathroom floor next time I think that would create an interesting effect for the viewer.

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